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✫Thursday, June 25, 2009✫11:39 PM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Day 2:
really Thank Teacher Karen and Aunty Chang Yang for going lots of places to get our breakfast <33
after breakfast, we went to Giant at Tampines to play "Shopping Spree" alot of lame stuff came out by my group members, sadly i dint manage to take video on them... in this game, we have to act out those item w/o mouthing and making noise, alot of lame stuff that they come out with, came out!!! so... we were the 1st to complete it =DD (this stage, i sabo-ed the small wanting as she is damn quiet during the amazing race, dint really participate in the game like follow the crowd like that, so i asked her to do twice as tuan wei cannot play anymore D:)

After that, bus-ed back to pasir ris and i have to go to find those bouncy bouncy rubber ball which is from gachapon, took a very quick walk around white sand but dint manage to find... cause only those old old shop then got sell, went back to whitesand disappointedly as they need those bouncy bouncy ball to play at "NO NG" stage, went to interchange and took 403 to go back to the chalet, halfway back to the chalet, i saw elias mall and alight to try my luck to find those bouncy bouncy ball, i saw the 7/11 with gachapon there (cause almost every 7/11 i went got those gachapon outside) and YAY, there are those bouncy bouncy ball back...then teacher karen called and she told mi that aunty changyang is sending mi back from the elias mall, Thank again teacher Karen and Aunty Changyang...

Back to chalet and have a quick lunch and proceed to pasir ris park for the "NO NG". This is a game that is consist of around 7 stages whereby they all must complete the stages WITHOUT failing if not they have to restart from stage 1 again...

Stage 1: they have to hold hand with each other and pass the hula hoop one round

Stage 2: one of the member have to throw the bouncy bouncy rubber ball into a bucket which is damn hard la, cause the bucket is like only around 20 cm in height and they have to throw at a distance of around 5 metre? (idk its around the length of my 14~15 feet) if the ball dint enter the bucket or enter and bounce out of the bucket they have to restart from stage 1

Stage 3: one has to drink those gross water (its dunno wat water with the picture of a goat and its like last time our parent drink those mineral water when they are young) in a breathe, failing to do so, have to start from stage 1 again

Stage 4: one has to eat the cream of the pocky stick, if the pocky stick break, they have to restart from stage 1

stage 5: group leader will re-shuffle the balls and one have to be blindfolded and listen to instruction from the team member to take the ball which is belong to them, if the one TOUCH the wrong ball (its a 1/4 chance), they have to start from stage 1...

Stage 6: group leader will have to take sweet from a container and one has to guess the number of sweet that the group leader take, if the one guess wrong they have to start from stage 1 again...

Stage 7: all of the member have to roll over soap water...

And most importantly, my team make it first again...
stage 2: wanting
stage 3: rachel
stage 4: small wanting
stage 5: tim
stage 6: wanting (completed in the first try)

after that we played captain ball using ORANGE (the fruit) and its quite gross la, after the match, hand became sticky and filled with mud (Orange Volcano Mud Facial Mask) xD

Overall my team won the whole event and won time zone card which is worth 12 dollar (those arcade card with 12 dollar in it)

after that went home and bath and threw myself on the sofa...

✫✫11:03 PM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Just back from Beyond-12 (in short B-12) camp, the camp is seriously damn fun, long time never play till so fun le, really must thank jessica for entrusting me a group to lead. Luckily i know most of them because i have already attend their events for a few time le, so i roughly know them. At the first time when i knew who my members are, im damn scare la, got rachel and small wanting (both potential cry-er =xx) but luckily they never cry if not i really dunno wat to do...kinda good to have all those "old bird" (Tim, wanting, tuanwei, small wanting and rachel) as they are not shy so my group is kinda noisy which make mi bond with them too...

Amazing race is fun la, damn shock la, almost all the
clue that they guess is correct, if not i will die cause i cannot tell them anything about the destination and i have to follow them, so if the destination is at tampines and they choose to go to jurong, i have to go to jurong with them too D:

1st : century square, got wanting and tuan wei which helped us to score the arcade basketball of 150 points if the first try

2nd: East Point, they have to find 3 people to cheer with them (this is damn malu la) they have to cheer "North South East West, Who is the best? East Point East Point Is The Best" they have to shout so that i will be able to listen clearly at the 2nd level.

3rd: Changi Village, whereby they have to choose on which task they have to take, cause got 2 task, 1st is to order chicken rice w/o chicken and mix it with ice kachang and 2nd is to order white carrot cake and ice longan drink and mix it together, all my my member do the 1st so to encourage them, i ate it with them (group leader can order anything he/she want to eat)... ice kachang with chicken rice w/o chicken is kinda errrr... nice? maybe u guys can go try it

4th: East Coast Park, luckily due to the logical thinking of them, we dint go wrong place cause they suggested ECP and hougang 401 and the hougang 401 is nothing but a coffeeshop, so they thought that we just eaten the "lunch" we should not be eating anymore, so we proceed to ECP... Reached ECP (at the Mac there) we don't know which area is it, so we walked towards the hawker centre, took around half an hour walk to reach the station... leg damn aching la, almost cramp D: ... the task of the station is to build a sand
castle which need to be around 90% looked alike to the picture.

5th: We can choose either the normal clue or the fast forward clue whereby if u are the first to complete the fast forward clue u are entitled to skip all the stages and head back to the ending point. luckily they chose normal clue which is the changi airport (task is to find 3 ang mo and 3 indians to recite poem) because the fast forward (phenoix- cck lrt station, the task is to distribute flyers to private estate) at that point, all of us is damn tired so luckily they chose changi airport la...

6th: army market (which is at beach road) wanting knew where they were and roughly know wat the task is, so she volunteered the task as that station require only 1 person to do the task which is put on camo cream on the whole face and walk till complete the who
le game, she is damn brave la (salute to her)

7th: Bugis, along the way, everybody is like looking at wanting (caus
e of her green face) really salute her la, then at there our task is to find 5 different children to take photo with, almost all of them dun wan to take with us, i think its because of wanting's face. took around 20min to find 5 children at BHG (CHILDREN DEPARTMENT!!!)

8th: after bugis, we have to head back to our chalet to report and let them grade on our journey etc etc... we are the first to complete the whole game =DD (YAY...) Tuanwei never get sick because of nothing and wanting never camo for nothing, really salute them =)

after all these, we took our dinner and prepare for our next event (my nightmare) cause they cannot decide on those songs and the wanting and rachel is like pulling long faces as they keep like cannot concentrate then rachel got angry and both started pulling long faces...this event we got 3rd as we dint really discuss it well as zoe is sick and i have to tend to her, really sorry to my group member ><

✫Monday, June 22, 2009✫4:53 AM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

woah, im back from holiday again, damn lazy to post la

dint actually know that someone will come to read my blog (u know who u are) so, im gonna try my best to post every single day xD

Passed FTT, took my practical test date (29/09/09) nice date, lol so many "9s" hope can pass the practical test so that dun need waste money to practice, pay for practical test and extend my PDL again =DD

so fast 1 week holiday gone liao, time flies eh...

✫Saturday, May 30, 2009✫2:25 AM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Firstly, Congratz to Shao for getting his license
2ndly, Congratz to TK, JunYi, Travis for passing FTT in first attempt

damn, now i stress liao, all first time jiu pass liao, later i fail damn sian...stressed

common test coming soon and yet i still dunno alot of stuff, jialat le D:

hope i can get good result for this common test...

✫Wednesday, May 27, 2009✫11:10 PM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Was having 2 meals a day nowadays, kinda tired these few days...just feel that my heart is damn damn heavy, feeling very moody though i don't show it because i only feel it when im alone, just cant stop thinking about it... arrrr, damn it...
really felt happy with jianing ytd, i wonder is it because of this incident or because i dint feel that happiness in the past?

✫Tuesday, May 26, 2009✫8:44 PM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Woot, met friend and went to funan mall together for job interview, the interview damn mafan la, walk once around the funan mall to see how ppl promote their stuff still not enough, still need to walk twice... zzz damn tiring la, 3pm like this reach there, walk twice and interview till 5 then can go then train for 30 min standing up, so total stand for around 3 hours, leg damn tired sia...
really enjoy walking around with jianing around funan and from city hall to woodland, because no stress at all
and i really hope that, you can be half as good as her...

✫Monday, May 25, 2009✫12:28 AM
✫Just Wanna See You Smile [:

Woot, today went driving, this is the third lesson, manage to drive outside the main road and back to eunos safely... *CLAPS CLAPS* though i stall the car thrice this time cause i release the clutch too fast, kanna horn by car twice because i drive very slowly when trying to accelarate from rest, cause need to control the clutch, i scare later release the clutch too much then stall car...

driving is soooooooooo fun!!! hope everyone pass their btt, get their PDL and go drive...

later got quiz and i havent start mugging yet and and and tml got project due and i still havent completed it, have forgotten all about it... and hope J.Ning get the IT show job...


- December 2007
- January 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- May 2009
- June 2009


Daren Law
♥ Zoe
10th March 1991 [18]
Ngee Ann Poly MOT


Presents for birthday
Design And Build A Ship
A job!



Me And Zoe's
Adeline (GSP)
Alvin Yam (Dmn)
Ashley (RO)
BingBing (MOT)
Bok WanTing (B-12)
Edmund (Dmn)
Esther (NP)
Felicia (NP)
Gregory (GSP)
Greta (MOT)
HuiWen (Maple)
HuiYing (Dmn)
Janice (GSP)
JiaNing. Yang (Maple)
JiaNing. Wong (Maple)
Joey Lim (Maple)
Jonathan (MOT)
Joseph (Dmn)
Peixuan (SP)
QiuPing (MOT)
RachaeL (GSP)
Rachel Kwan (FS)
Reynold (MOT)
Richelle (Dmn)
Sebas (MOT)
SiMin (GSP)
WanJing (Maple)
YuHui (Dmn)
Zack aka KwanZheng (Dmn)


Say Thanks
